Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2024. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.


Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Administration

Recognition of Achievement

Related Studies



This program is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills required for fraud prevention and the fight against money laundering. This Recognition of Achievement is designed for individuals who are members of a reporting entity or looking to learn about detection and prevention of criminal behavior commonly used against reporting entities. It also covers the applicable local and international laws and regulations. The courses will cover a comprehensive list of anti-money laundering and fraud topics, analysis, monitoring, governance, detecting, responding and regulatory reporting requirements.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.

Entry Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or 19 years of age or older.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Mandatory Course

Anti-Money Laundering Administration

The international financial services community is working closely with the government and police force at all levels to contain efforts by organized crime and terrorist groups to launder money and use the financial services system as a conduit for the illicit transfer of funds from the proceeds of crime. The Canadian government has put legislative mechanisms in place and established a financial intelligence unit, FINTRAC, to monitor compliance. This course will teach students about Anti-Money Laundering management programs that are in conformance with Canadian and international regulatory requirements.

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Elective Courses (select 2 from the list of 3)

Detection and Prevention of Fraud

Detecting fraud, even for a seasoned professional, is not always easy, and preventing it can be twice as challenging. Students learn how to use analysis tools (Fraud Triangle) to detect fraud and prevent fraud from occurring. Students also explore the aspects of internal control and the theories available to assist in fraud detection and prevention. They examine how an internal audit function within a company can assist the organization in detecting and preventing fraud by utilizing such tools as an ethics hotline.

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Money Laundering and Asset Tracing

Money laundering and asset tracing are common economic crimes. Students learn how criminals conceal their illegally obtained gains and convert them into untraceable assets. They are introduced to the international controls and regulations in place to prevent and detect potential sources of money laundering. Students examine various methods and techniques of tracing assets.

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Governmental, Small-Medium Enterprise and Not-For-Profit Frauds

Students learn about government, small medium enterprise (SME) and not-for-profit (NFP) frauds including: contract rigging, funding entitlement programs, fictions or double billing schemes, and kick back affect, cash larceny and skimming schemes. In addition to learning the characteristics and types of SME and NFP organizations, students are exposed to how internal controls and the Board of Directors play an integral role in the prevention of NFP and SME frauds. Students review recent government frauds and attempt to determine the cause and how they could be prevented in the future. They also learn the characteristics and types of SME frauds and how they differ from frauds against large government and private organizations.

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This Recognition of Achievement requires the successful completion of 3 courses in total (mandatory course plus 2 elective courses).

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this ROA, students will be able to:

  • Describe what money laundering is and how it affects financial institutions
  • Interpret and explain money laundering regulations
  • Identify behaviours that may indicate activities of money laundering
  • Evaluate different techniques to prevent money laundering

Graduates are strongly encouraged to pursue their CAMS and CFE certification. For more information, please visit:


Recognition of Achievement

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Recognition of Achievement Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Recognition of Achievement will be sent to you electronically.

Program Contacts

Sophie Pether
Program Assistant

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.